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As you can see....
By the time I usually get around to sitting down and working on all this stuff, it's late and I'm pretty stuffed....So it could take a while for anything of great import to be found in these pages...I remain hopeful though....

Upcoming Stuff
The big problem with doing the whole working holiday thing is that:

(A) It all has to come to an end at some stage...for me, that's October (at the moment)

(B) Trying to decide exactly what you can get to see (both time-wise and cash-wise)

At the moment The following are still on the list: Scotland (The Highlands), Wales (Rugby and singing Welshmen), Hiking/cycling in the Lakes District, Getting a little Arthurian action at Tintagel (Cornwall) with Greg & Keiryn, Watching a cricket lesson when SRW and the boys come over for The Ashes this summer, doing a little "Dam busting" with Nitsy & Byron in The Netherlands, Fjords, Paris (can you believe it...still haven't spent a full day there)....I tell you, the list goes on....

Please feel free to donate to my cause...I'm sure you'll find it very worthy....

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