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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
1. The associated works of Rampaging Roy Slaven 2. Boonie 3. Princess Leia 4. John "The Beard" Williamson 5. There was movement at the station... 6. S.R. Waugh 7. "Now is the winter of my discontent..." 8. The Lithgow Shamrocks 9. The EH Holden 10. "What are ya legs?" "Springs...steel springs..."If any of the above struck a familiar chord, you might get something out of what's on offer - otherwise...pack yourself off to the room of mirrors.... |
Quick Intro...
A very big "Hello boys" to everyone checking this out from home...I've finally got my act together (or at least it's showing a bit more togetherness than it has in recent times) and put some photos on this page of some of the stuff I've been getting up to on my little sojourn....I'll be adding to it now and then, so whenever you hit a quiet spot (be it in the office or at home), have a look to see all the new and exciting places that no-one can afford to go to on the Aussie dollar.... |
Talk to me Goose...